A reputation above any fragrant oil - Pastor Esper Ajaj
A short yet a very effective life to all whom he dealt with
Your words &sermons are inscribed on our hearts & minds
Achieved by the forties what couldn’t be achieved till the nineties
You are neither replaced nor forgotten even after years
Will be missed by everyone even who met him for few minutes
Because of God’s great admiration of the vessel He kept him for Himself
His sermons attract many even after hundreds of years
We heard about the Bible saints but God gave us a saint to see
His ministry is non denominational, for all, and did not split people
Magdy was not only for the platform although he was the best Arabic speaker
Is able to know and understand the needs of the human beings
Succeeded in his profession and his ministry to show us the perfect balanced preacher
An example of who works hard - Dr. Ayed Hadad
I saw Jesus in flesh through Magdy’s life, who lived to showcase God’s glory