Magdy Samuel

Serialized Articles From:
"Whom shall I fear"

Last Published Devotions

Introduction: 2


What is anxiety?


What is the meaning of these words: anxiety – concern - tension - fear - pressure - panic - insomnia - worry?

Although anxiety is a common and simple word, used by all people, it would seem strange and surprising that so far, psychologists can not accurately define anxiety!  Definitions vary, and anxiety is defined in very odd ways, as this feeling of anxiety is extremely vague and obscure.

There are many words and definitions associated with anxiety:
• There is general concern or "Anxiety," an inner sense of general worry, disquiet and unrest.
• There is chronic anxiety - "Tension," a constant, or intermittent, feeling of mental apprehension, uncertainty and an inability to relax.
• There is extreme anxiety - "Fear," an intense inner feeling of threat and danger.
• There is specific anxiety - "Phobia," strong and illogical fear associated with a particular thing or situation, such as: blood, insects, airplanes, closed places (claustrophobia), high places (acrophobia), etc. Up till now, more than 700 kinds of phobias have been identified.
• There is "Panic," a situation of anxiety where the person loses control of his emotions, is confused, and may act in unusual behavior.
• There is pressure or "Stress," the psychological stress and fatigue resulting from a sense of threat and a sense of being overwhelmed by circumstances that are more than one’s capacity and potential.

To all of this, we can give the simple label of anxiety or tension:  an underlying sense of discomfort and restlessness, the result of influence or threat, internal or external, real or imaginary, and affecting the person mentally, physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually.

The influence or stimulus or threat might be:
Internal: mental thoughts (of death - death - the disease) or inner feelings (sadness - anger - jealousy - etc.).
External: situations - news - challenges - responsibilities.
Real: the presence of a particular disease - certain circumstances - challenges.
Imaginary: subjective interpretations and personal conclusions which are unfounded and baseless.

Am I confident (secure) or anxious?
Do I have symptoms of anxiety?
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
If you want to know the symptoms of anxiety and whether you are suffering from it or not, you can answer the questions in the assessment which will soon be posted. 

But is there a cure for anxiety and fear?
There is, in fact, medical and psychological intervention to address the many concerns of anxiety, with both drugs and tranquilizers, or psychological treatment - cognitive or behavioral, particularly if the anxiety has causes or somatic symptoms or physical complications.

However, the question we are discussing in this book is:  Can a living, right relationship with God treat and ease a person’s fear? Will it grant him peace and calm?

This is what we are trying to learn through our study of Psalm 27, which is the honest and profound test of the heart of the sweet singer, David.  He describes the sources of fear and the means of safety and security, showing us also, the extensive Christian remedy for anxiety and fear.



Magdy Samuel